Maple Brined Pork Chops

Say goodbye to dry, flavorless pork chops forever with this recipe for perfect maple brined, reverse seared pork chops! This method works great for chops cooked on the grill or over the stove in a cast iron pan.


  • Bone-in, thick-cut, pork loin chops. 

  • ¼ cup salt 

  • 3 tbsp. whole peppercorns. 

  • ⅓ cup maple syrup

  • A handful of fresh oregano, thyme, and/or rosemary (or any other herbs you’d like to experiment with).  


  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil, ensuring you fill the pot with enough water so that your chops will be fully submerged (but not overflow) when you drop them in.  

  2. Add in salt, pepper, herbs, and maple syrup. Stir for a minute or two, remove from heat, and let your brine come down to room temperature.  

  3. Once cool, put your chops in the brine, cover, and refrigerate for 24-36 hours.  

  4. Heat grill (or cast iron pan) to 350°F.  Add some wood chunks for extra smoke flavor.  Once hot, turn off one burner to create an area for indirect heating. Place chops above the burner you turned off, and close the cover.  Flip every 5-6 minutes.  

  5. When pork chops hit an internal temperature of 110°F, crank your burners up to medium or high, and move the chops over them for direct heat.  

  6. Once you hit an internal temp of 135-140°F, remove the chops and let them rest for a few minutes while they reach a final temperature of 145°F.